Your Lakes – Your Views Survey
2021 Your Lakes, Your Views Survey Results:

Safe Quiet Lakes has fielded the most comprehensive and professional surveys of lake users ever conducted in Ontario. The 2013 survey attracted 1700 responses and the 2017 survey 3300 responses. The insights from these surveys led to a better understanding of the activities, issues and concerns of lake users in the region. Results have been used by local and federal governments and by lake associations as a basis for developing programs and strategies. These surveys form the basis of our actions and priorities.
In Summer 2021, Safe Quiet Lakes is continuing this research in partnership with Algonquin College and guided by a team of experts. This new survey will probe more deeply the attitudes on boat motor decibels, the impact of large wakes and speed and continue to track evolving concerns such as “are things getting better or worse?”, “Is boat traffic increasing?”.
Reports from our past surveys are below.
Your responses are confidential. The results will be analyzed by the professor and the students of the Marketing Research and Business Intelligence Program of Algonquin College, Ontario. No individual participant or their responses will be identified. The survey conforms to the legislation in PIPEDA.