
2024 New Wake Research Webinar with Dr. Chris Houser

Avoid Boating Tragedy

Muskoka Lakes Association and Safe Quiet Lakes Webinar – Staying Safe on the Water

An MLA Webinar presented by Safe Quiet Lakes with Guest Speakers Sgt. Dave Moffat, OPP & John Gullick, Canadian Safe Boating Council

Muskoka Lakes Association and Safe Quiet Lakes Webinar – Wakes, Speed and Noise Webinar

On July 16th Safe Quiet Lakes hosted a webinar with the Muskoka Lakes Association on Wakes, Speed and Noise. This webinar is available for viewing below. To view Scott Ferguson’s presentation on Night Time Boating Tips Click here

Safe Quiet Lakes Presents: Signs and Buoys a Webinar with Transport Canada Representatives

On August 25th Safe Quiet Lakes hosted a webinar on Signs and Buoys with Transport Canada Representatives. A recording and the slide deck of this webinar is available below.

Click here to download the presentation from the Signs and Buoys Webinar with Transport Canada. During this webinar a number of questions were asked, attached are the answers from Transport Canada representatives. Click here to view the  Transport Canada webinar responses.