
Ski Safe – A Cautionary Tale

5 April 2013

This is a true story from Little Lake Joseph a few years ago .The names have been changed. Friday is here at last and Dad should be arriving at the cottage soon. He promised me that he would take me water skiing as soon as he arrived. Mom has made Dad’s favourite dinner but she…

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Sailboat Right-Of-Way

4 April 2013

We’ve been sailing this boat for over 70 years and while most powerboaters are respectful, there are too many who don’t seem to understand that a sailboat has right of way over power boats at almost all times — no matter what direction they are approaching each other from. The only exceptions are that a…

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Shoreline erosion

28 August 2012

We are lucky enough to have a quiet, wind-protected shoreline across from our dock. Unfortunately, it is the type of shoreline that attracts wakeboarders who will board up and down for two hours or more, pounding the shoreline with their wake. They include families and wakeboard schools that come all the way from Lake Rosseau…

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